For a limited time get all stores for free
and START TODAY your online business powered by bubora
Premium Store
Store: FREE
Fulfillment service: +49.99 USD / Month
What you get:
- You can select any store from our catalog
- You can have unlimited active stores
- You can change stores once a month.
- Access to new products.
- Acccess to new stores and designs.
- Standard and Express shipping.
- Bulk purchases.
- Send inventory to our warehouses in the United States and Mexico
- Sea shipping for bulk purchases.
- E-commerce powered by shopify. (29 USD / Month not included)
Custom Store
Store: $650 USD
Fulfillment service: +19.99 USD / Month
What you get:
- All Premium included.
- We create your store according to the products and collections you select.
- You will be able to select from any collection you want from all of our stores.
- Products are limited to 250 and collections are limited to 30 per store.